And here we go again, with a belated edition of my weekly Raw blog.
I am the Aussie Mouthpiece, and if this is your first time reading this page, you're in for a treat! No recapping here, no move for move retelling of this week's episode of RAW, just what I considered the best parts, and my take on what it all means and what happens next.
So onto the show.
I think it was a pretty obvious point to everyone that Nash would be returning at Night of Champions, and would be doing Laurinitis' bidding. (to check out my NOC review, go to this link
And also I, like a few other people who's opinions i've read/heard, thought Nash would not be on RAW this week. And it was the right decision not to have him there. Here's an idea.. have him show up at Hell in a Cell. Maybe distract Punk, costing him the title. (it's a HIAC match, he's not going to be able to interfere.. is he?)
That sets up Punk/Nash at the appropriately titled Vengeance.. right?
It's too bad Michael Cole's voice came back. Just saying...
It's been said a lot before, but the best wrestlers, the wrestlers that have the most success, they're just themselves turned up to 10. That's what has happened with Punk since july.
He's not playing a character that says things people find shocking. He's not pretending to be pissed off with the way things are.
This week's opening segment, with Punk talking about how he's beat up, but his pride hurts the most, was more of the same. It's believable, I mean, clearly whoever saw that main event.. those 2 guys were hitting some brutal stuff on each other.
But it was good to see he's not relying on dropping "pipebombs" every week just to stay over.
It was good that Triple H showed a bit of respect towards Punk as well. I like the slight change in direction.. the "somebody is playing both of us" angle.
It's just too bad that we have to listen to John Laurinitis' poor mic skills, annoying voice, and stilted delivery of lines he clearly can't fully remember.
It kinda seems obvious to me where this is going.. and that it's all heading to survivor series, with some kind of "control of the wwe" match maybe, like we had in 2001. Vince's team vs HHH's team maybe. And apparently because Del Rio mentioned Vince's name, Vince lost his mind this week.
He doesn't want anyone to know he's going to be coming back.. but, Laurinitis was Vince's lackey on TV.. now he's opposing HHH.. it's not the biggest leap to think that Laurinitis is working for Vince.
I'm not going to talk about each match specifically, BUT... way to bury Morrison RAW writers.. 45 seconds? We already know that Del Rio's submission move is really effective. So unless the show was running amazingly behind schedule.. why were the entrances for the del rio/morrison match longer than the match itself? Ridiculous.
Hugh Jackman! Awesome! Aussie Aussie Aussie.
Vickie Guerrero is the best heel in the WWE right now. She has the most heat in the WWE right now. Awesome.
I think this was my favourite part of the show this week. I've been saying it for a month.. but Ziggler is the next big thing. The way he and Jackman interacted was really natural, really funny. It helps having a really good actor to play off of. But it was great.
"Are you staring me down?" "Are you hypnotised? A little confused?" Brilliant.
Hugh Jackman gets a sign from the crowd that says Ryder is greater than Wolverine.. that was awesome.
Oh one other thing about Dolph, I really hope he starts (or continues) to use "No offense" as a catchphrase.
Here's an idea: If you're going to have Sin Cara come out to attack Sin Cara, and you want people to cheer for one Sin Cara and boo one Sin Cara... give the audience the ability to differentiate between the two! Black tights! Dark Blue tights! anything!
Mark Henry. He's suddenly become really good at delivering a promo. I don't know how the change happened, maybe he watched some tapes of great talkers and picked something up, but it's really great to see. The guy deserves this run. I especially liked him making JR apologise and then telling him "i hate ass-kissers".
I read that the table was supposed to be gimmicked, but it wasn't. And because of that King is really injured. That's not good. But, in a weird kind of way it helps put Henry over even more. Hopefully it's not a serious injury and King will be back soon.
Or it's just a story to help get Henry over even more. We are in the "reality" era...
Ok so I had one thought about Henry and where this is heading. He said "ain't no man gonna take this from me".
Well.. what about Undertaker? Survivor series... 20 years since he won his first world title... could be interesting. Who knows.. i'm kind of leaning towards Undertaker not coming back until it's time for the Mania build.
I'm saying only this about the divas. If the "Divas of Doom" are supposed to be really strong and shaking up the divas division, why are they being beaten all the time? Unless it's some weird idea about trying to turn them face or something. But I can't see how that would work. Kelly is starting to piss me off though.
Great to see Ryder on Raw again, even greater that he got a win over the US champion. And wow... that punch from Hugh Jackman looked really stiff. Dolph is the man.
I thought the ending to this week's show was great. It felt really real, which is always a good thing. I mean aside from the firings, which is a work. Clearly.
So where's it all going? Well here's how i see it. It all leads to survivor series right? That's the big payoff. It's gotta be a traditional elimination match. We already know that Cena and Rock are supposed to be teaming up (at least at the moment that's the plan). So then on one team you could have Cena, Rock, HHH and Punk. Facing Nash, Miz, Truth and ??? (vince.. shane o mac, johnny ace, X-Pac even) Probably not vince, he might be in the corner or make a run in though.
But it's set up for Miz and Truth to be re-hired by Laurinitis, like Nash was, undermining HHH's authority, leading to arguments etc.. It's a big storyline... the biggest they've tried for a while. Probably since the "who killed Vince" one that got cut off in the middle.
Anyway, I've written enough for now. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment, or if you're not already, follow me on twitter @TheOZMouthpiece
I'm trying to set up a google+ account too, but i'm still learning how the hell it works. Once that's done though i'll add it to my page somehow.
That's it, and that's all.
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