Welcome back to the Lounge of linguistics, where I, the Armchair Mouthpiece, yet have more to say. This time, on a topic i haven't really spoken on before now.
Michael Cole.
What happened? Seriously, I watched the first season of NXT, because.. well.. it was different, and actually slightly entertaining, especially knowing a little about Daniel/Bryan/Danielson and the WWE not being huge fans of talking about anything other than the WWE.
Personally, I think a sign that a character or wrestler, personality, whatever is getting over is that you feel something kinda strong about them. So therefore, to me, a heel character is getting over when you feel a strong dislike about them. But i think when it gets to the point that you would rather not watch any of the program than hear them/see them.. then it's getting a bit too much. That's what's happening with Michael Cole right now.
I actually enjoyed Cole on NXT, especially the season 3 stuff where he basically picked apart the program. Whoever came up with that idea should be given a medal. Or at least one of Cole's slammys. I didn't watch a lot of RAW and Smackdown before the Royal Rumble this year, so i didn't see too much of the beginnings of the Lawler/Cole feud. But what I did see was really a testament to Jerry Lawler and how good a guy he is. I mean, letting Cole talk about his mother, so soon after she passed, I have a lot of respect for Lawler, and always will. By the way, Michael Cole... if you want to know how to be a heel commentator and not alienate your audience, listen to King from about 1994 to 2004. That's how you do it! Not by burying everyone you apparently "don't like" and just talking about yourself.
That's where my problem lies with Michael Cole, at least commentary wise. If you watch Wrestlemania 27, there are at least a few instances during the matches where he just starts talking about his match with Lawler.. I mean, on RAW it's one thing, but Wrestlemania? You're going to draw people's attention away from matches they've paid to see, and make then think about you? I don't care if it's not his idea, it's a stupid idea. It didn't work, it was annoying, it made the matches less enjoyable. And especially in the Rey/Cody match, his commentary didn't make sense. Talking about how Cody is afraid to show his face.. at one point Jerry Lawler just says "his mask is clear you idiot" or something like that. I get that he's trying to side with the heel and be the "bad guy" commentator, but you shouldn't do that at the expense of other talent.
The other problem is the massive difference between how it feels when Cole is on commentary, and how it feels when Jim Ross is on commentary. JR is far and away so much better, regardless of heel/face alignment.
And when they are swapped halfway through a show, like Wrestlemania or this past week's Raw, you really notice the difference.
Which brings me to the other part of the Michael Cole issue... the matches.
Awful. I feel so bad for Jerry Lawler. That he had to try to make Cole look good in that terrible Ankle Lock at Mania, that the match had to go for so long, and in the end that the match ended up as a victory for Cole. I mean, people have been saying for ages that "we need change, different stuff should be happening".. but I don't think that Michael Cole, the commentator, beating Jerry "The King" Lawler, the what... 40 year pro or so, is what fans had in mind. That didn't make sense, Wrestlemania was the right time for that feud to end. Why not have your good guy come out on top at the biggest show of the year? Sure he got to beat up Cole a bit, and i know everyone loved that, but it shouldn't have ended up that way.
Oh and one more thing. I'm kinda sick of Michael Cole referring to Daniel Bryan as a nerd. What the hell is so wrong with being a geek or a nerd? And seriously, if Daniel Bryan is a nerd, what does that make Cole, other than a chubby bully? It's not like he's the epitome of a "jock".. maybe a jock-strap.. I have a big problem with that, because it's so high-school. Maybe it's just that I have experience with bullying, and it just disgusts me.
I get that he's just doing what the company wants, and he's just doing "business", but it's getting old. Actually, let me correct that. It was getting old back in march. Now it's beyond that. It's getting to the point where hearing his voice and his constant putting down of other people to make himself look good a: isn't working, and b: makes me want to change the channel. In fact, I think he is the reason i'm not watching Smackdown at the moment.
So it's time for a change. What i'm hoping happens is that with Jim Ross coming back to Raw, we get the set commentary teams, in the same vein as 2003 or so. I don't mean the same combinations obviously, but more that there is one Commentary team for RAW, and one for smackdown. And for the Pay per views we get a combination. The obvious choice is JR and King, and then Michael Cole and Josh matthews. I don't know where that leaves Booker T, but .. maybe he can have a fave five segment each week or something... does it matter? Put him back in the ring even!
That's it, not much else i want to say on the matter. Other than HHH seems to be making his mark, and let's hope it continues
What's it like to be me? You will never, ever know!
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